Filling up my cup

Right so here is the start of how I began to navigate through feeling week and coping with feelings of uncertainty.  ‘Healing mechanisms’ shall I say that I adopted in January that transformed PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) to PTG (post traumatic growth). Feel free to read it and ignore, or read and adapt. 🙂

So in December I had a plan… project get my shit together for 2020. Get a new job which would then lead to a new place and money so then I could get a new car and get back to holidaying. But ohhh how I had forgotten that all important lesson… very rarely does anything go to plan.  I’ve sat in that classroom many of times:

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans – Woody Allen

I prepared to hit the ground running for the enchanted new decade. What a complete hype it was, a load of BS to be honest. January came and I couldn’t have been further away from my plans. I felt so disconnected from myself, I didn’t know what my purpose was and was in desperate need for a compass that pointed back to me.

So I wrote down 4 new goals for the quarter, I bought a new diary and saw a therapist! After a hearty chat with someone much much much older then me, un related to me, but deeply aware and understanding she became my compass and told me that my first job was to connect to myself.

“How?” I said…

“Read something spiritual”.

And so I did. I dedicated the whole of January to ‘Filling up my cup’ because I was unable to give myself to anything with an empty cup.

So what is wellness? A term thrown around so sparingly today, a massive industry is growing from it and it can seem like a you need to be in a white room with green plants to be part of the ‘wellness movement’.  Well not at all, I started from scratch, a blank white piece of paper and the first thing on the agenda was self care and this is what it looked like for me (I’m sure it will be different for you):

  1. Resting without feeling guilty
  2. Subtracting the idea of where I thought I should be
  3. Going for short walks
  4. Eating right, nutritional meals
  5. Waking up early
  6. Daily meditation
  7. Gentle Yoga
  8. Reading daily

And that was it. I wanted my confidence back and to feel physically and mentally stronger and so I started with the basics and with the things I had control of. I connected to my mind, body and soul as cliché as it sounds.

By the end of the month I had more awareness around health and wellness, was back into meditating and reading daily which for me are extremely important and grounding, I started making conscious food choices and felt very relaxed and connected. The conversations I was having with friends and time spent was of quality and I started to feel incredibly strong inside out.

So if you’re feeling a bit lost at the moment, it’s ok. Strip it all back and start with the basics, yourself.

SS xx

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